Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A change in the name of this Blog

There will be a lot of changes in this blog on the summer of 2014.  The group is evolving.  It will try to spread its wings and conquer greater heights. The transformation will be painful at first but it is all for the good. It actually started just hours after the group got one of its biggest ever achievements in its existence.  One of the team's leaders had an "epiphanic" episode on how challenging 2014 would be. This leader was so worried on how the group will manage in the coming year. He wanted the group to rise to greater heights but he knew that the Rainmakers' hands are tied.  After few months of subpar performances, the group agreed to some changes.   And so it begins...

The first change will be on the name.  Our Facebook page has reflected the new name of the group.  This time the blog will follow suit.  The group will now be know as the Rainmakers of Cebu. What's in a name? Well, a lot of things.  The name could represent the new direction of the group. It will also  the badge of the new breed of Rainmakers.  We let go off the past.  It is a new brand of Rainmakers. 

The past had its merits, victories, trophies, and records.  The present and the future will all be about establishing new records, gaining more reputation, and establishing elite standards. The group will become a major player in the highly exciting Cebu real estate industry. The quest is difficult but we only find out how strong we are only when we are forced to carry weights that we never carried before. A new challenge has began and the outcome is very much uncertain.  

Challenge Accepted. ;)